Tuesday, 29 September 2015

How to end the TTP menace?

The recent attack on Peshawar air base with numerous casualties of our forces reinforces a point which is being presented by many in the intellectual circles. That point is that you cannot defeat an enemy who has a strong ideological narrative by arrests and army operations. There are many pseudo intellectuals who think that TTP is a bunch of brainwashed bearded people somewhere in Swat or Waziristan or karachi and can be rounded up and killed. Well I think they have tried and failed miserably for the last 15 years. We are still at the same position which Musharraf thought he would take us out of, Kiyani on the same lines planned like a professional soldier and now General Raheel is moving on to end it all. Their strategy was loud and clear. It was to make TTP unpopular, isolate it from general public and do military operations to finish it off.
However, the problem was not as  simple as it seems. TTP is not a group of CIA or RAW funded mullas even though these agencies might have some influence over them. TTP is a reactionary narrative to a brutal reality faced by Pashtuns which is coupled with the ideological aspect of Jihad and Islam. And as long as these two aspects remain or escalate, the situation will get even worse. Let me discuss them one by one.
The first aspect that fuels TTP and motivates its followers to give the ultimate sacrifice and blow themselves up and punish the forces and even the general masses is the reactionary narrative of Pashtuns. Pashtuns, by their nature, have been difficult to control by the British. Since the 9/11 incident affected the Pashtun belt of KPK directly, the war spillover was natural in our tribal belts across the artificially created lines by Durand during partition. This did not incite much reaction since Pak army was not initially involved. Americans however, eager to WIN the war, wanted serious action by pak army in these areas. The army had always resisted in fighting their own people in the tribal regions but since the drone strikes started and even army was pushed by Musharraf in these regions, the Pashtuns faced an enemy at their home. This enemy were those who once  created them, nurtured them, taught them how to fight. The reaction was inevitable and much expected by the army. The drone strikes, the F16 bombings, especially the Bajor madrassa attack which killed 80 students and several targeted operations killed many innocent civilians including women and children intensified the situation. Then, came the operations where people in hundreds of thousands were ordered to leave their homes. They were forced to live miserable lives in camps while their whole life belongings were either destroyed by bombings or stolen. They were given media coverage in a negative manner as if they are the enemies of the state and are hiding all the terrorists amongst themselves. This created a reactionary narrative of injustice against the Pashtuns and they were forced to retaliate with utmost craze to get revenge. This reactionary narrative was not only carried by laymen but influentials from amongst the tribal people and it still exists today.
The second aspect is coupling it with Jihad and Islam. This makes the movement extremely lethal and includes non-pashtuns in a natural way. This aspect came from the war in Afghanistan which was being fought against the infidels Americans and considered Jihad by Afghans and Pashtuns. When Musharraf joined the Afghan war as an ally, the narrative was quite easily built that those who support the enemy are the enemies themselves. This is reinforced by Quranic verses and Hadiths which explicitly mention that those MUSLIMS who are allies of the kuffar are amongst them. This made them motivated enough to fight the Pakistani army and the people in a way they fight the Americans. They declared kufr to the army soldiers and officers and claimed that they are waging jihad against the pak army. Interestingly, steps taken by the forces were also consolidating their thinking, like the operation at Lal Masjid in Islamabad, then the ban on all jihadi groups, rolling back kashmir jihad, strict surveillance of Masajid, Ulema and Madaris etc. These steps spreaded this movement to all parts of Pakistan and especially those places where the jihadis of Zia Regime were predominant. This also led to the revival of Al-Qaeda based thinking that those who are praying in mosques or are at shopping malls should be bombed because they too are infidels for supporting their governments. Even though there are several evidences that it was CIA who was also supporting the TTP in the name of Raymond Davis and Blackwater. This now became not only a Pashtun resistance but also an ideologically endorsed jihad against the Pak army.
This narrative is attractive to the Pakistani generation which has seen Afghan jihad as a saviour of Muslim world. They have soft corner for all jihadis and therefore you can see that the recent arrest of well educated people like Saad Aziz and well settled businessmen like Sheeba Ahmed and many officers who were defected from the army and joined TTP are influenced by this narrative.
Therefore, if we want to end this TTP menace in our country which has claimed more than 60,000 lives and 3,000 soldiers, we need to counter this narrative headon by practical steps. First, we need to stop operations from Waziristan and stop throwing people in camps every year. Second, No more drones or air strikes or bombings. The people should feel secure that life is now back to normal. Third, End alliance with the Americans on this so called War on terror and declare ourselves as an independent state and remove all kinds of foreign influences and the CIA network from the country. Fourth, release American pressure by joining alliances with other major powers and ensure that we do not fight America's war. By taking these four steps we would crush the narrative of TTP and the reasons of their reactionary militant struggle and save us from moving into further chaos for the years to come.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Seven opinion groups in Pakistan - Where do you Fall?

What is the most favorite discourse amongst us Pakistanis these days? Of-course, It is the Political and Religious discourse. Whether you go through facebook discussions, watch popular media programs or sit at the Dhaba (tea hotel) with your friends, you would find Pakistanis discussing endlessly about politics and religion.

Being one of the active participants in such discussions, I had observed a pattern of opinions that flows amongst people. I believe that this spectrum of opinion can be broadly categorized into 7 sections i.e. Militant Extremists, Islamists, Moderates, Secular Liberals, Liberal Extremists, army Fans and finally the leftists. The account of each one of them is as follows.   
On the Extreme Left of the scale are the “Militant Extremists”. They undoubtedly hold the extremist  radical opinion. However, they are further classified into three separate entities. One variant of this opinion group includes TTP and the ISIS. Their opinion regarding the Armed forces, the civilian government and the people in general is of hatred and killings. They consider Pakistan army as infidels and anyone supporting them (general public) as their allies and thus infidels as well and should be bombed, attacked or killed. They claim that they do this for the implementation of Shariah and Islam.

Another variant of this group are the Sunni groups including Sipah sahaba, Jundallah, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the likes. They apparently think that Shias are the biggest cause of the world’s problems. Therefore, they think that killing them is a duty destined by Islam to protect Islam and to save the world. Similar are the reactionary Sipah-e-Mohammad group who are standing on the shia side to finish off the sunnis.

Third variant is a Secular Nationalist one which includes the likes of BLA and JSQM. They believe that they have been forcefully and illegally occupied by the Punjabi Army and in reaction they were waging a freedom movement against them. They, however, do not mix religion in their struggle but the outcome is the same as that of TTP and Lashkar-e-jhangvi  i.e. Militant extremism.

These three different opinion groups are hardliners and are never ready to open up for any discussion and alteration into their opinion.
The other group which is on another level of the spectrum and substantially in majority is the group of “Islamists”. And it includes Jamaat-e-islami, Tableeghi Jamaat, Hizb-ut-tahrir, Tanzeem-e-islami, Jamiat ulema-e-Islam, mainstream Deoband Madaaris and the likes. Unlike the militant extremists, they do not consider the armed forces, the civilian government or the people, in general, as infidels neither are they interested in killing Shias.

They are however much critical of Army fighting its own people in the tribal areas or in Karachi. They also oppose the crackdown against the Islamists across the country and believe that it is being done only on American dictation. These groups are more often at odds with the government for introducing secular reforms and pursuing the liberal agenda in the country.
The group believes that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam, thus, its founding principles, its beliefs, its systems and the laws must only be according to Islam. They are endlessly striving for an Islamic Pakistan or Caliphate. This group rejects the use of violence in their struggle and is found condemning the actions of militant extremists against Islam. But since they also demand the implementation of shariah in the country, some unworthy liberals intentionally try to mix them with the Islamic variant of militant extremists in order to push their anti-islamic or liberal agenda. In this group, few and not all, glorifies General Zia but almost everyone endorse Allama Iqbal, Islamic inclined media anchors and Islamic segments of the society but they detest General (r) Musharraf, Malala Yousufzai, secular media persons and the secular segments.
Then there is a third opinion group that we would term as “Moderates”. They also constitute a major share in the society and include PTI, PML(N), Sunni ittehad council, Shia goups and others. They carry Islamic emotions and loves Islam but clearly have no intension to implement Sharia. They are generally secular in nature but do not want to give away their religious identity. This group works hand in hand with the armed forces and supports it rather reluctantly in all its endeavors and wishes to get over with this mess as early as possible. They don’t want to identify themselves as Islamists or Secular but want to remain somewhere in between. They do hold a soft corner for the Islamists but not the militant extremists and therefore their ideals can also be compared with the Islamists.
The fourth segment of the society which is again lesser in number are the “Secular Liberals”. This group includes PPP, MQM, ANP and others. They categorically state themselves as a secular alternative in the country and vehemently reject the implementation of Islam or Islamic reforms.

They are the diehard supporters of Army and its crackdown against Islamic militant extremists and even the Islamic elements across the country. However, when the military operations are turned towards their own military wings, they leave no stone unturned in criticizing the armed forces. Moreover, they hold religious groups, religious sentiments and the Islamic segments responsible behind every problem of Pakistan.  They idealize liberal personalities and secular symbols of the country like Benazir Bhutto, Salman Taseer, Malala and the likes.
Then there is a minority group of “Liberal Extremists”. They are those liberals who almost like TTP are illogical and irrational on their stance except they do not take up arms. They, however, want army to kill the Islamists and even the moderate factions for that matter to revive and flourish Pakistan as a liberal secular state.
And somewhere in between are the “Army fans”, which includes the likes of Zaid Hamid, Hafiz Saeed of Jamat-ud-dawa, Jaish mohammad and others. They carry only one opinion and their one point agenda is to prove that army is the sacred cow which can never do wrong. Whatever others say is wrong but the stance of army is always beyond any question or criticism.
The last and not the least, are the “leftists”. They include Communist Mazdoor kisan party, International Socialists, National Student federation and the likes. They talk about a complete change of status quo from liberal capitalism and Islam to Socialist state. They are predominantly secular and consider army as the major power tool for implementing capitalist and Islamic centered policies. Their criticism of army is extremely blatant and therefore they consider them the root cause of the problems of Pakistan.
Interestingly, the above 7 opinion scales do not have sharp boundaries and many people might fall into more than one opinion area. Here, I would like to point out that the issue of Pakistan is not which opinion spectrum do you belong to but what really matters is “Have you ever thought about it?” or “Are you ready to change opinion about your stance based on facts?” or in other words “Are you really open for a healthy discussion with a different opinion group with patience?”.
Our intolerant society might not be very much ready to endorse different opinions and start a fruitful discussion on matters but we as a society will have to learn to do so. This is how societies shape themselves. If we are able to move towards this sensible course, the dominant opinion will rise from the various viewpoints and society can move in that direction which would ensure progressive thinking and maturity.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

The boy lying on the seashore makes me angry!

My daughter who is 2 years old now is very beautiful. We have hundreds of her beautiful pictures and videos while playing with her toys, reading her books and making mess out of the things. I and my wife as parents try to give her the best of whatever she wants. We always try our best to protect her from any harm and do all it takes for her well being. But sometimes I get angry. Off-course I do not get angry at my daughter for all the annoying things she  does because I understand that she is a little baby who cannot think or make decisions for herself. But I get angry at the door that hits her head sometimes, I get angry when she slips from water spilled on floor, I get angry at the weather which makes her ill, I get angry at the mosquitoes that bite her. In-short, everything that makes my child even a little uncomfortable, makes me angry. But my anger calms down and gets converted into the feelings of grief and helplessness when I realize that these things are as innocent as my child.

But then, there is another kind of anger that prompts me for taking serious action. And that is when someone shouts at her, when someone deliberately hits her or when we as parents are clumsy at looking after her! Such an anger does not and should not turn into sadness or helplessness, rather it results in arousing the feelings of hatred towards an individual or direct confrontation or a serious debate. This is because the situation demands this! and it is in my direct or indirect control to take appropriate actions. Moreover, If I do not respond, my child would be in a much more insecure situation.

Aylan Kurdi, The 3 year old boy is seen lying on the sea shore. I was expecting him to wake up and play again. I thought he might be very tired and hence slept on the shore after playing with the sand. I am saying this because my baby girl also does the same. At one time we see her running here and there enjoying and in the next few minutes we find her fallen asleep after being tired. She sleeps in the same posture in which Aylan is shown sleeping calmly on the shore. But when you continue to look at the picture, you realize that Aylan has indeed slept forever. He has indeed been tired; tired of running away from his home with his parents, wandering here and there to find a shelter and save themselves from the barrel bombs that rain over them everyday, trying to find a safe place out of their homes, moving towards the sea and risking their lives, gambling between dying of bombings of the Bashar regime or ISIS or the waves of the ocean. Aylan was tired of fighting the ocean waves and he could not bear anymore, So, he had no option but to sleep forever.

When I looked at his pictures, I was angry at the ocean and the nature for not supporting him in that tough situation, but then isn't nature as innocent as the boy? Nature had given him a beautiful place to live in and nature was not pushing him into the ocean. So why blame nature or why to be angry with it? Then I looked around and found a world with borders and governments and ideologies and interests. A cruel world!! I am not sad to see that Aylan's picture but I am furious! My hatred for Syrian regime, which has killed more than 250,000 people and is bombing their own citizens everyday, has crossed all bounds! The Bashar regime which has tried to kill the popular people's movement which started with the arab spring in 2012, I am angry at the attitude of the arab world which has fueled this war with Islamic extremists! I am angry at the United Nations who have been united in letting the people killed and our children being drowned like that. I am angry at the United states and Europe who have done only lip service against the Syrian regime which has done a genocide of its citizens even with chemical weapons. I am angry at Russia and China who are openly supporting the killings and displacement. I am angry at the Rulers of the Muslim world who have silently watched the butcher killing and displacing their brothers in faith. I am angry at Iran and Saudis who are fighting their proxy war and using the blood of innocent people. I am angry at the humans of the world who have done nothing for their fellow beings.

Those who feel sad about Aylan Kurdi should be ashamed of themselves! Why should one feel sad on an incident that is not a natural phenomena but is because of a completely blood thirsty and interest oriented world that we created. One should feel angry on the world order and the way it is organized on extremism and capitalism! And this anger demands ACTION. It demands appropriate action to change the way this world is being run by the world powers and their puppet rulers. If this incident does not ring bells for you and your still not ready to think and act to change this world then I must say your as much a killer of that boy as the Syrian regime!

There should be no doubt in the minds now that The current Capitalist world order that is coined by the Human mind has failed to deliver peace to humanity, The United nations has failed the world, The principles of pluralism is nothing but a farse, The rhetoric of democracy and human rights is a joke. The Humans are too incapable and too selfish and too biased to make rules that govern humanity.

The question now remains, what is the alternate that we should lookup to? It is quite obvious for those who think rationally. It is clear that the problem is the very concept of nation states and the way world powers run the world with their puppets and proxies. The solution is to overthrow this world order and replace it with a world order which ensures respect of human beings and respect of different religions or cast or creeds. A world order which is united against injustice at any level and is ready to safeguard the world from all the ills not because of their INTERESTS but as an obligation upon them. The alternative is a world order that is defined by the creator of this world for us humans to live as Humanity! The Alternative is Islamic governance which ensured peace and progress for the human mind when implemented in full spirit.

There maybe many people who disagree with this alternative based on their animosity against religion but what they need to agree is, that the current world order based on freedoms and human mind is on the verge of destroying Humanity and this can in no way be acceptable anymore.