Sunday, 20 September 2015

Seven opinion groups in Pakistan - Where do you Fall?

What is the most favorite discourse amongst us Pakistanis these days? Of-course, It is the Political and Religious discourse. Whether you go through facebook discussions, watch popular media programs or sit at the Dhaba (tea hotel) with your friends, you would find Pakistanis discussing endlessly about politics and religion.

Being one of the active participants in such discussions, I had observed a pattern of opinions that flows amongst people. I believe that this spectrum of opinion can be broadly categorized into 7 sections i.e. Militant Extremists, Islamists, Moderates, Secular Liberals, Liberal Extremists, army Fans and finally the leftists. The account of each one of them is as follows.   
On the Extreme Left of the scale are the “Militant Extremists”. They undoubtedly hold the extremist  radical opinion. However, they are further classified into three separate entities. One variant of this opinion group includes TTP and the ISIS. Their opinion regarding the Armed forces, the civilian government and the people in general is of hatred and killings. They consider Pakistan army as infidels and anyone supporting them (general public) as their allies and thus infidels as well and should be bombed, attacked or killed. They claim that they do this for the implementation of Shariah and Islam.

Another variant of this group are the Sunni groups including Sipah sahaba, Jundallah, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and the likes. They apparently think that Shias are the biggest cause of the world’s problems. Therefore, they think that killing them is a duty destined by Islam to protect Islam and to save the world. Similar are the reactionary Sipah-e-Mohammad group who are standing on the shia side to finish off the sunnis.

Third variant is a Secular Nationalist one which includes the likes of BLA and JSQM. They believe that they have been forcefully and illegally occupied by the Punjabi Army and in reaction they were waging a freedom movement against them. They, however, do not mix religion in their struggle but the outcome is the same as that of TTP and Lashkar-e-jhangvi  i.e. Militant extremism.

These three different opinion groups are hardliners and are never ready to open up for any discussion and alteration into their opinion.
The other group which is on another level of the spectrum and substantially in majority is the group of “Islamists”. And it includes Jamaat-e-islami, Tableeghi Jamaat, Hizb-ut-tahrir, Tanzeem-e-islami, Jamiat ulema-e-Islam, mainstream Deoband Madaaris and the likes. Unlike the militant extremists, they do not consider the armed forces, the civilian government or the people, in general, as infidels neither are they interested in killing Shias.

They are however much critical of Army fighting its own people in the tribal areas or in Karachi. They also oppose the crackdown against the Islamists across the country and believe that it is being done only on American dictation. These groups are more often at odds with the government for introducing secular reforms and pursuing the liberal agenda in the country.
The group believes that Pakistan was created in the name of Islam, thus, its founding principles, its beliefs, its systems and the laws must only be according to Islam. They are endlessly striving for an Islamic Pakistan or Caliphate. This group rejects the use of violence in their struggle and is found condemning the actions of militant extremists against Islam. But since they also demand the implementation of shariah in the country, some unworthy liberals intentionally try to mix them with the Islamic variant of militant extremists in order to push their anti-islamic or liberal agenda. In this group, few and not all, glorifies General Zia but almost everyone endorse Allama Iqbal, Islamic inclined media anchors and Islamic segments of the society but they detest General (r) Musharraf, Malala Yousufzai, secular media persons and the secular segments.
Then there is a third opinion group that we would term as “Moderates”. They also constitute a major share in the society and include PTI, PML(N), Sunni ittehad council, Shia goups and others. They carry Islamic emotions and loves Islam but clearly have no intension to implement Sharia. They are generally secular in nature but do not want to give away their religious identity. This group works hand in hand with the armed forces and supports it rather reluctantly in all its endeavors and wishes to get over with this mess as early as possible. They don’t want to identify themselves as Islamists or Secular but want to remain somewhere in between. They do hold a soft corner for the Islamists but not the militant extremists and therefore their ideals can also be compared with the Islamists.
The fourth segment of the society which is again lesser in number are the “Secular Liberals”. This group includes PPP, MQM, ANP and others. They categorically state themselves as a secular alternative in the country and vehemently reject the implementation of Islam or Islamic reforms.

They are the diehard supporters of Army and its crackdown against Islamic militant extremists and even the Islamic elements across the country. However, when the military operations are turned towards their own military wings, they leave no stone unturned in criticizing the armed forces. Moreover, they hold religious groups, religious sentiments and the Islamic segments responsible behind every problem of Pakistan.  They idealize liberal personalities and secular symbols of the country like Benazir Bhutto, Salman Taseer, Malala and the likes.
Then there is a minority group of “Liberal Extremists”. They are those liberals who almost like TTP are illogical and irrational on their stance except they do not take up arms. They, however, want army to kill the Islamists and even the moderate factions for that matter to revive and flourish Pakistan as a liberal secular state.
And somewhere in between are the “Army fans”, which includes the likes of Zaid Hamid, Hafiz Saeed of Jamat-ud-dawa, Jaish mohammad and others. They carry only one opinion and their one point agenda is to prove that army is the sacred cow which can never do wrong. Whatever others say is wrong but the stance of army is always beyond any question or criticism.
The last and not the least, are the “leftists”. They include Communist Mazdoor kisan party, International Socialists, National Student federation and the likes. They talk about a complete change of status quo from liberal capitalism and Islam to Socialist state. They are predominantly secular and consider army as the major power tool for implementing capitalist and Islamic centered policies. Their criticism of army is extremely blatant and therefore they consider them the root cause of the problems of Pakistan.
Interestingly, the above 7 opinion scales do not have sharp boundaries and many people might fall into more than one opinion area. Here, I would like to point out that the issue of Pakistan is not which opinion spectrum do you belong to but what really matters is “Have you ever thought about it?” or “Are you ready to change opinion about your stance based on facts?” or in other words “Are you really open for a healthy discussion with a different opinion group with patience?”.
Our intolerant society might not be very much ready to endorse different opinions and start a fruitful discussion on matters but we as a society will have to learn to do so. This is how societies shape themselves. If we are able to move towards this sensible course, the dominant opinion will rise from the various viewpoints and society can move in that direction which would ensure progressive thinking and maturity.

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